
The most common beauty advice passed down through generations includes never sleeping with makeup on, moisturising daily, and refraining from picking spots. A survey of 2,000 women revealed that 68 per cent follow advice handed down from older friends or relatives. Some women also swear by patting their face dry instead of rubbing it to avoid irritation and washing their face in cold water to 'close' pores.

Now, 51 per cent of today's parents have passed down some of the beauty knowledge they've inherited to their own children. Their spokesperson said: "Advice around staying hydrated, getting enough sleep and resisting the temptation to pick at blemishes is as true today as it ever was. "We believe that beauty starts from within.

When grandmothers and mothers share beauty tips with their children, it's more than just passing on knowledge." They add: "It can often bring back sweet memories of their own childhood and strengthens family bonds. These moments of guidance and care foster a sense of closeness and continuity.

" Interestingly, beauty advice is still largely a word-of-mouth phenomenon, with 46 per cent of women not relying on online sources at all for inspiration. Most people turn to family and friends (22 per cent), followed by beauty professionals (21 per cent). Among the advice passed down to respondents was the use of cucumbers around the eyes to reduce puffiness.

15 per cent were advised to close their pores with a splash of cold water after cleansing, and 20 per cent were told to be particularly gentle when removing makeup around the eyes. Just over a tenth (13 per cent) also shared the wisdom of testing new skincare products on a small patch of skin before using them all over the face. The research, conducted by OnePoll, found that the majority (85 per cent) believe beauty starts from within.

A spokesperson for Perfectil said: "True beauty is more than skin deep and starts with looking after your health and wellbeing from the inside out. Timeless beauty advice, classic brands and supplements are shared and passed down through generations, proving they stand the test of time." TOP 40 HANDED-DOWN BEAUTY TIPS:.

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