A YOGURT bar has been earmarked for a shop in the heart of Albury's Dean Street. or signup to continue reading The proposed eatery would be in premises, adjacent to , which most recently housed the Earth to Life Eco Store. Plans submitted to Albury Council and now subject to public submissions show a long counter, tables and chairs and stools and a bench facing the front window.
Three soft serve machines appear on the rear wall with various toppings stored at the nearby counter end. A business name for the shop is not contained in the submitted documents with the applicant Albury consultancy Blueprint Planning. The development application is required because of the shop's use being changed to food service after having sold environmentally-friendly products in recent years.
The estimated cost of the rejig of the building is $53,100. One to two staff are expected to be employed in the business. It is not the first time the premises have been used for food retailing.
In the early 1960s it was home to Downs, a business that served Herbert Adams cakes and Peters ice cream and was also classified as a fruiterer and confectionery. Then from 1966 to 1974 it housed the Magnin Fashion Store before becoming a Medicare office and then Earth to Life. Earth to Life moved west in Dean Street in March 2024 and is now housed at No.
614 near the Commercial Club. DAILY Today's top stories curated by our news team. WEEKDAYS Grab a quick bite of today's latest news from around the region and the n.