
Seth Fedelin (left) and Francine Diaz during the premiere night of “My Future You.” Image: Courtesy of Regal Entertainment Inc. A love story transcending time is an old tale in cinema.

But the Francine Diaz – and Seth Fedelin -led “My Future You” goes beyond romance, telling the story of two people struggling to find themselves from different timelines until finding clarity in each other. “My Future You,” which is one of the entries of the 50th Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF), is a story between Lex (Fedelin) and Karen (Diaz) who meet on a dating app, only to discover that the latter is 15 years ahead of him—with the comet tying their fates together. While it’s clear that Lex fell in love with Karen at first sight, the latter was caught up with the separation of her parents, and her mother planning to marry her new partner.

This prompted Lex—who was dealing with family problems as well—to set his romantic feelings aside to work with Karen in rewriting their destiny. But with every change comes a drastic turn of events in their own families which ultimately reminds them to accept their families’ imperfections as it is. Romance has always been the focal point of a love story.

In typical romantic fashion, love is often portrayed as the force that conquers all obstacles. But “My Future You” allows Diaz and Fedelin’s characters to go through silent cries and experience their respective rude awakening as individuals until their romance fully takes ov.

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