
The Colombo High Court yesterday (27) sentenced SJB parliamentarian A.H.M.

Fowzie to two years of rigorous imprisonment, which was suspended for 10 years, after he pleaded guilty to the charge of misusing a vehicle belonging to the Ministry of Disaster Management. The court also fined Fowzie Rs.400, 000.

The ex-Minister was charged with the possession and personal use of a luxury vehicle worth about Rs. 20 million donated by the Netherlands to the Disaster Management Ministry, while he was serving as the Minister of Disaster Management in 2010. Fowzie, who entered Parliament in early 2023, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mujibur Rahuman, supports President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

The MP was found guilty of persuading some officials, including the Ministry Secretary, and spending nearly Rs 1 million from the Finance Ministry’s funds, on maintaining the vehicle..

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