
WARNING: This story is about suicide. Kenneth Law is accused of being linked to more than 120 suicides worldwide and is awaiting trial for multiple charges of murder in his home country of Canada. Today, a coroner here has found the deaths by suicide of four New Zealanders, including two university students, are connected to Law, a man some overseas media call the “Merchant of Death”.

The Suicide Prevention Office had asked New Zealand Internet Service Providers to block access to Law’s website. As a personal trainer, James Plunket loved helping people to improve their health and feel better about themselves, his brother Jack says. Outside of his day job, the “clever and outgoing” Wellingtonian was a DJ with a passion for house music and a “giant nerd” who devoured fantasy novels, especially those by best-selling author Robin Hobb.

“If he liked the book, and he thought you’d like it, you were definitely getting that book. And [there’d] be some in depth conversations afterwards about what was going on,” Jack said..

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