
Those four words from the people who doubted him were the spur for Bradley Ravenscroft to tackle the National Three Peaks alone and complete it in under 24 hours. And the determined 24-year-old has not only achieved his goal, by completing the challenge to climb Snowdon, in Wales, Scafell Pike, in England Ben Nevis in Wales in 21 hours, he has raised £2,557 for the Stroke Association. This is a charity that means a great deal to Bradley and his family.

For his dad Simon has suffered three strokes, the first in 2022 and the second in May this year. The third one happened just after Bradley had completed the three peaks challenge earlier this month. And tragically this year Bradley’s uncle, David Ravenscroft, died as the result of a stroke in his 40s.

Bradley, who is a business administrator at HycAero Limited in Burnley , said: “The charity has helped my family through some of the hardest times we have faced. When my dad suffered a bleed on the brain the recovery was tough, however through it all the Stroke Association were extremely supportive, from being in touch with the family and physical support for my dad.” Advertisement Advertisement Did you know with an ad-lite subscription to Burnley Express, you get 70% fewer ads while viewing the news that matters to you.

To prepare for the challenge, which is a total walking distance of 23 miles and 423 miles driving, Bradley, a former pupil at Burnley’s Blessed Trinity RC College, did a series of night hikes to get him used to walking in the dark. And the only stops he made were for fuel, food and toilet breaks. Waiting to greet him at the bottom of Snowdon were his dad, mum Carol, his sister Nicole with her boyfriend Josh Atkinson and friends Luke Chorley and Emilia Memborg.

Although not able to make it Snowdon, Bradley has credited his grandparents, Pam and Ian Graham, as being great champions of his cause also. Bradley, who also attended Burnley College, said: “My family have all been such a great support to me, I couldn’t have done it without them.” Bradley now hopes to run in the London Marathon next year and he has also got his sights set on climbing Everest! To donate to Bradley’s fund please click HERE.

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