
ThePeople’s Bank of China announced today that it is to set up aSecurities, Funds and Insurance companies Swap Facility (SFISF),initially of 500 billion yuan. Its purpose is to build "healthyand stable development of the capital market." Those security,funds and insurance companies eligible can pledge assets such asbonds, stock ETFs, and CSI300 stocks.

They'll receive liquidity fromthe PBOC to boost their capacity to access funds, increase equityholdings. Yesterdayafternoon we had the announcement of China's Ministry of Financebriefing, scheduled for 10 am Beijing time (0200 GMT, 2200 US Easterntime) on Saturday, October 12, which is to provide insights intofiscal policy and economic development ..

. or " intensifyingcountercyclical adjustments to its fiscal policy" according todocuments.Thecombination of two helped stocks in China and Hong Kong stabilizetoday.

FromJapan were data for ‘wholesale’ inflation, the PPI (also referredto as the Corporate Goods Price Index) for September. This rose fromAugust, and came in better than expected. USD/JPYhas not had a large range today, and is little changed on thesession.

FederalReserve Bank of San Francisco President Mary Daly spoke, projectingone or two further FOMC rate cuts this year. There are more of herremarks in the bullet point above. MajorFX rates traded in a subdued fashion ahead of the US CPI data dueThursday morning (8.

30 am) US time. Asa heads up, at 0735GMT (0335 US Eastern time ..

. i.e.

soon) Bank of Japan DeputyGo.

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