
The club, Man v FAT Football Reading, hosts games every Monday evening at Goals Reading, and is currently seeking new players. Designed for men with a BMI of higher than 27.5, Man v FAT has approximately 8,400 players taking part at more than 150 clubs across the UK.

The project was set up as an alternative to traditional weight-loss methods and combines fitness with the fun of the beautiful game. Players are weighed at sessions, and a 30-minute game of six-a-side football follows. Extra goal bonuses are awarded to teams based on their weight loss.

A team's total weight loss and match scores are used to calculate their league position within a club. More than 700,000 pounds of weight have been lost by MAN v FAT players in total across the UK. Craig Venables, a player at the Reading club, has lost over two stone through the programme.

Craig Venables lost over two stone through the programme (Image: Supplied) He said: "What I love most about MAN v FAT Football is the sense of community. "It’s more than just playing football - it’s about being part of a group where everyone has got each other's backs, both in terms of fitness and life in general. "The mix of competition and camaraderie keeps me motivated.

"I’d definitely recommend it to others because it’s such a supportive environment that really helps you stay on track with your goals. "I’d like to give a special mention to our coach Zoe who is incredibly helpful, knowledgeable and supportive. "When I first joined MAN v FAT, I weighed 94kg.

Mr Venables says that his mental health has improved since joining MAN v FAT and losing weight (Image: Supplied) "Since then, I’ve managed to lose just over 14kg (over two stone) which has been a huge boost for me. "Seeing those numbers drop has been incredibly rewarding. "Plus, my mental health has improved, I’m feeling more positive, less stressed, and just generally better about myself.

" Club coach Zoe added: "I really enjoy seeing the positive impact it has on the guys when they start to lose weight and get fitter. "Also the community we have built here at Reading is incredible. "Everyone is open with each other, happy to share tips and tricks they have picked up, and genuinely pleased for one another regardless of the team they are on when they reach target weight loss goals.

"I can see that joining MAN v FAT has helped the guys mentally – a lot of them used to play football when they were younger and believed that due to their lack of fitness they wouldn’t play again. "But starting again in a judgement-free zone has helped them enjoy playing the sport once again. "We have spaces for new players and if you feel like you would benefit from being a part of our journey, get in touch!" To find your closest MAN v FAT Football club, visit: https://www.


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