
A Chinese woman delayed a flight by an hour after refusing to place her Louis Vuitton bag under the seat. Read on to know full story! Chongqing: A Chinese woman who refused to put her Vuitton bag under the seat in front of her when travelling by air 10 delayed the flight by an hour on August. The woman had to be escorted off the plane at an airport in Chongqing municipality in southwestern China.

A video of the incident was posted on Chinese social media platform Douyin by another passenger on the flight. The passenger said that the woman was sitting in economy class and wanted to place her luxurious bag next to her instead of putting it under the seat. Flight delayed by an hour The flight was already departing and has to go back to the boarding gate.

The police escorted the woman off the plane as other passengers applauded, the South China Morning Post reported. The incident not only resulted in the delay of one hour but also the departure time of other flights. The woman’s identity ahs not been revealed.

The airline did not answer to queries about the incident. Netizens react The incident has sparked chatter online, with netizens sharing their thoughts in the comments section. One user said, “She valued the bag more than her life.

” Another wrote, “The flight attendant could have offered her a bag to put her handbag in. Is it really necessary to waste an hour and kick her off the plane?” Another wrote, “The flight attendant did not insist on the rule for nothing. The woman should value her safety and that of other passengers rather than the bag.


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