
Our community members are treated to special offers, promotions and adverts from us and our partners. You can check out at any time. More info Even though she's a grandma, Andréa Sunshine definitely doesn't have a shortage of male admirers.

The Brazilian fitness influencer, bodybuilder, and social media personality boasts more than 532,000 followers on Instagram. People love drooling over her ripped physique – and it's not just online that she gets attention. The 55-year-old, now based in London, enjoyed a fling during a recent holiday.

She ended up hooking up with twins who were half her age – leaving people totally gobsmacked. She said: "I've had many holiday romances before, but this one was something entirely different. At first, I was quite surprised, because I thought I'd feel really uncomfortable being with twins at the same time.

But I actually found the experience mind blowing." The cheeky relations were mutually beneficial too, Andréa believes. She enjoyed bringing all her experience to the younger men – who apparently lapped it up.

She said: "It wasn't just about sex, there was a clear emotional bond between us. It was just so incredibly unique..

. Since I am experienced and self-assured, I was able to navigate our desires for one another into something valuable. "We met everyday and spent the night together many times, always in special and sensual places.

It made me feel alive; like I was reborn. "In many ways, our holiday romance became a space for disc.

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