Paramount Pictures has released a new trailer for its historical drama “September 5” about the hostage crisis that happened during the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics. The film follows an American Sports broadcasting team that quickly adapted from sports reporting to live coverage of the Israeli athletes taken hostage. The story focuses on Geogg, a young and ambitious producer striving to prove himself to legendary TV executive Roone Arledge.
Together with German interpreter Marianne and his mentor Marvin Bade, Geoff unexpectedly takes the helm of the live coverage. As narratives shift, time ticks away, and conflicting rumors spread, with the hostages’ lives hanging in the balance, Geoff grapples with tough decisions while confronting his own moral compass. The movie aims to offer a new take on the event with the broadcast seen globally by an estimated one billion people at the time.
Some outlets seem to be trying to push this for serious awards consideration, the title having landed a very good 88% (7.0/10) on and a solid 72/100 on . John Magaro, Peter Sarsgaard, Ben Chaplin, Leonie Beneschv, Zinedine Soualem, Georgina Rich, Corey Johnson, Marcus Rutherford, Daniel Adeosun, Benjamin Walker, and Ferdinand Dörfler star.
Tim Fehlbaum helms “September 5” which hits select cinemas Friday and then goes wide on December 13th..