
FEELING tired? Run down? Exhausted? Fatigued? Women are more susceptible to fatigue due to a combination of biological, hormonal and lifestyle factors. Hormonal fluctuations related to menstruation, pregnancy and menopause can cause physical and emotional strain, leading to increased tiredness, says workout developer Mesha-Gaye Wright. “Conditions like iron-deficiency anaemia are also more common in women due to blood loss during menstruation.

Additionally, women often juggle multiple roles, such as caregiving, work and household responsibilities, which can lead to chronic stress and insufficient sleep, further contributing to fatigue,” Wright added. “Societal pressures and the prevalence of conditions like anxiety and depression, which are more common in women, can also exacerbate feelings of exhaustion.” She said if you’re feeling fatigued, you should start with low-intensity activities like walking, stretching or yoga.

These can help increase blood flow and energy levels without overwhelming your body. Here are some other tips for fighting fatigue naturally with exercise. Incorporate aerobic exercise and strength training Engage in moderate aerobic activities such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming or dancing.

These exercises improve cardiovascular health and increase oxygen circulation, which can help reduce fatigue. Include strength training exercises two to three times a week to build muscle, improve metabolism, and increase endurance. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

Practise mind-body exercises Activities like yoga, tai chi and pilates combine movement with mindfulness, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can alleviate fatigue. Incorporate high-intensity interval training (HIIT) If you have more energy, consider adding short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by periods of rest or low-intensity exercise. HIIT can quickly boost energy levels and improve fitness in less time.

Focus on morning workouts Exercising in the morning can help jump-start your metabolism and provide a natural energy boost that lasts throughout the day. It also helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Stay active during the day Avoid long periods of sitting or inactivity.

Take breaks to stand, stretch, or walk around every hour. This helps prevent the build-up of fatigue from prolonged inactivity. Listen to your body Pay attention to your energy levels and avoid overexertion, which can lead to increased fatigue.

If you’re feeling particularly tired, opt for gentler activities like stretching or a leisurely walk. Combine exercise with relaxation techniques After a workout, incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation. This can help reduce stress and mental fatigue.

Fuel your body properly and stay hydrated Eating a balanced diet that includes complex carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats will provide the energy needed for exercise and recovery. Dehydration can contribute to fatigue, so ensure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day. Get enough sleep Regular exercise can improve sleep quality, but it’s also important to ensure you’re getting enough sleep each night to recover and fight fatigue.

Consider group or social exercise Exercising with others, whether in a group class, with a friend, or in a sports team, can provide social interaction and motivation, making workouts more enjoyable and less tiring..

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