“These are my creatures,” Chinese-born, London-based designer Feng Chen Wang said backstage at her Paris Fashion Week show on Thursday. In the moment, the namesake fashioner’s otherworldly Fall 2025 cast surrounded her, each wearing ceramic-clad caps, carrying fantastical animal sculptures, and clamoring through the premise in the most massive, eye-boggling reimaginations of UGG’s Tasman. It felt like an alternate reality, one that Wang likened to Shan Hai Jing , a classic Chinese text that painted illustrious images of majestic landscapes and their mystical inhabitants more than 2,500 years ago.
Translating the book’s ancient legends into fashion, Wang collaborated with artisans from China’s ceramic capital, Jingdezhen, to create her “Feng-esque creatures,” or bug-eyed, sharp-toothed and kooky-looking beasts that came in all shapes and sizes as the line’s best accessories. The designer also fashioned her mythic creations as striking prints, which were woven into textiles and printed on denim silhouettes. On the monstrous theme, Wang’s UGG collab was especially grotesque, wrapping the signature slipper in a goopy shell with fangs and harsh edges.
“These shoes are works of art,” Wang said, smiling while barely able to carry just one of her mammoth stompers. “We first crafted the design with ceramics and then made a mold that became the shoe afterward.” In brown, yellow and blue hues, the big-steppers often had the front-row’s eyes peeled to the fl.