
Committed to engaging, educating and empowering children and youth living with disability for a healthy, happy fruitful life, Equal Education Chances (EEC) organised Christmas exhibition party in lgando Lagos. Founder and convener EEC, Mrs. Mary Olanrewaju disclosed that the foundation is concerned about engaging, educating and empowering children and youth living with disability for a healthy and robust life.

She added that the people with disability requires a holistic approach that addresses physical, social, economic and cultural barriers to inclusion, while promoting equality, dignity, respect for all individuals, regardless of their abilities. Aligning with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, SDGS 1 – No Poverty, SDGS 2, Zero Hunger, SDGS 3, Good Health and Wellbeing SDGS 4 – Quality Education and SDGS 10 Promote Equality for children and youth living, with disability. Educational professionals should advocate for “improve, expand, build and reconstruct adequate school facilities and infrastructure to create a truly inclusive educational system for children with disabilities.

Country Representative EEC, Mrs. Awoliyi Fidelia appealed to families and care givers to show more love and attention to them. According to her, we believe that all young people should be seen, heard, live healthy and safe lives regardless of status.

“Our Vocational skills development programme at Ajangbadi community primary inclusive special unit school, has catering department, .

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