Stress and its underlying conditions can instantly spike your levels of cortisol – a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands with many important body functions. However, in adverse situations, high cortisol levels cause a range of negative symptoms which include weight gain, acne, and fatigue. Doctors say everyone has high cortisol from time to time, and levels vary throughout the day as it is a part of your body’s natural response to threats of harm or danger.
However, if your body is consistently making too much cortisol, it usually indicates an underlying health problem. A few signs of that are: Bloating after every meal According to experts, bloating and fluid retention is a product of high cortisol which is responsible for minerals and salt control in the body. When it gets high, cortisol increases salt retention resulting in bloating.
It can also lead to a drop in potassium levels, impeding insulin function and causing type 2 diabetes. Neck hump Extremely high levels of cortisol for a consistent period of time can cause increased fat synthesis – leading to Cushing syndrome. In this, the fat produced often deposits in the neck, known as lipodystrophy which can produce the characteristic buffalo hump.
Cushing syndrome can also be caused by an adrenal tumour, lung tumour, or glucocorticoid medications. Craving sugar all the time When cortisol levels are extremely high in your body, you may get cravings for food - especially sweet, fatty, and salty foods. Under.