
One of FaZe Clan’s newest recruits, Lacy, caused a social media firestorm after claiming that streaming on Twitch is harder than a full-time job. The argument of whether streaming is harder than traditional jobs isn’t new. Twitch star when he made the claim earlier in 2024 – something that fellow creator with him about.

Since then, the discussion has waned a bit, but in August, reignited that argument when he took aim at viewers who considered his streaming gig easy because he got to travel to Japan. FaZe Lacy goes on a rant saying streaming is harder than a full time job because streamers need to “socialize” 😭 “I genuinely think that streaming is harder than an actual job. Go ahead and laugh.

Tell me it’s not harder to have to fly 17 hours all the way out to Japan, have jetlag, be tired, then when you get here, you have to walk around in the hot sun...

and then you have to stream yourself shopping for clothes and going shopping for 6-8 hours a day.” “That’s genuinely hard compared to working a normal job where you just go in for six hours every day, because normal jobs work what 30 hours a week?” he added, seemingly unaware that typical office jobs are eight hour days. “Like, you guys have to understand it’s way harder to stream.

And I have to go around and mog everybody, walk around in public, talking to people, trying to interact. It’s hard to have those social skills.” Video of Lacy’s comments spread to social media where viewers instantly began picking them apart.

“He doesn’t even know what full-time hours are,” one . “Put this idiot into a full-time 9/5 and watch him fold day 2,” another . Related: Interestingly, this was something that .

The two streamers ended up complaining about their feet hurting one shift into working at a sandwich shop. As the video spread, Lacy himself ended up replying to the post to defend his argument. yall are so quick to come at me but don’t understand it from my point of view because you aren’t in this position having to shop all day and socialize in the hot sun being jetlagged.

.. stick to your 9 to 5s lol “Y’all are so quick to come at me but don’t understand it from my point of view because you aren’t in this position having to shop all day and socialize in the hot sun being jetlagged,” he said.

This is unlikely to be the last of this debate. While many streamers have agreed that streaming is difficult, not everyone shares the same opinion. Creators Adin Ross and xQc about streaming being harder than regular jobs calling it “one of the most stupid things you could possibly say.


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