
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan recently graced the runway at Paris Fashion Week , representing beauty giant L'Oreal Paris along with debutant Alia Bhatt . However, her choice of attire, a red bubble hem gown by French brand Mossi, has sparked a wave of mixed reactions among fans and followers on social media. While many praised her makeup and overall glamor, others expressed disappointment over the dress design.

Fans criticized Rai Bachchan's dress for restricting movement Rai Bachchan's red satin gown featured an off-the-shoulder neckline, floor-length cascading cape sleeves with arm slits, a cinched bubble hem with pleats, and a flowy silhouette. Critics pointed out that the bubble hem restricted her movement on the ramp and the flowing fit added unnecessary volume. Despite these criticisms, fans unanimously praised her makeup look which included winged eyeliner, muted smokey eyeshadow, glossy red lips lined with shimmery red lip pencil, mascara-laden lashes, darkened brows, rouge-tinted cheeks and beaming highlighter.

'Her stylists are not doing her justice...

' Fans took to social media to express their mixed feelings about Rai Bachchan's look at Paris Fashion Week . One user commented on Instagram, "No matter how hideously her stylists dress her up, her FACE CARD never fails." Another remarked, "Her stylists are not doing her justice.

Fire them." A third suggested that Rhea Kapoor should style Rai for future events. A user on X/Twitter said: "Someone was paid to design this shit for world's most beautiful woman.

" Take a look at the video here Someone was paid to design this shit for world’s most beautiful woman #AishwaryaRai .And she agreed to wear this !! #AishwaryaRaiBachchan #LOrealParis pic.twitter.

com/V80CLZ5PbK Rai Bachchan's veil and ring caught attention amid divorce rumors Adding to the intrigue, Rai Bachchan's long veil bore L'Oreal's tagline "We are worth it," which was revealed in an aerial shot. The veil detached from her as she began her walk, greeting the French audience with a namaste . Amid ongoing divorce rumors with Abhishek Bachchan , eagle-eyed fans noticed that she was seemingly wearing "her wedding ring" ahead of her fashion week appearance.

This led some to speculate that it might be a subtle message to quell separation rumors..

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