There was a huge incident that grabbed headlines when Noor Jehan allegedly slapped Runa Laila. In an interview, Jehan's close associate finally broke silence on this infamous matter. Published: January 5, 2025 1:01 PM IST By Runa Lalia has made a significant mark in the world of music.
She is a legendary figure who is known for captivating audiences in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan with her enthralling voice. In her long six-decade journey of music, she has never let anything stop her from singing, and her musical journey still continues. Runa Laila was born on 17 November 1952, in Sylhet to Syed Mohammed Imdad Ali, a civil servant from Rajshahi posted in Karachi, and Amina Laila, a musical artiste.
Her maternal uncle Subir Sen, was a notable Indian playback singer. In her early life, Runa was passionate about dancing and singing. She used to learn classical music with her elder sister Dina Laila.
Laila who amazed audience with her soulful voice in Pakistan and Bangladesh, also took a step to entertain audience in India. She did playback singing in several Hindi movies including The song , which has been sung by many popular artists before, was also sung by Runa Laila at an event in India. After receiving such great response, it became her song.
To date, it is considered one of the most iconic songs sung by Runa. Runa Laila and Noor Jehan’s infamous slap incident According to reports, there was a huge incident that grabbed headlines when Noor Jehan allegedly slapped Runa L.