
LAWRENCE, Ind. (WISH) — Children and parents alike on Friday said getting outside is a great way to unplug and unwind after the Thanksgiving holiday. The Cudahy and Fox families were among the many who made a day trip to Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park to take advantage of the day’s free admission.

For young Iris Cudahy, a frequent visitor of the park, it gave her and her friends a chance to play and explore the outdoors. “It’s really interesting with everything outside,” she said. “When you’re inside, you just have everything that you need.

When you’re outside, you have to go find it and it’s really cool.” The Indiana Department of Natural Resources waived admission fees on Friday for all properties that normally charge them , a list that includes all 24 state parks, four state recreation areas, and six state-run lakes. Besides getting in for free, families could take part in a scavenger hunt and enter a drawing for prizes such as annual entry passes.

As part of the hunt, Iris and her friends played on a playground and snapped a photo standing on an old bridge. She also used sticks and leaves to make an earth-art picture she dubbed “Fun in the Park.” The act of getting outside every Black Friday has become a tradition for some.

Cindy Sibert stopped by the park early Friday to hike the trails. She said it’s a great way to burn off calories from Thanksgiving Day and to avoid spending the day in a shopping mall. “There’s something very sort of sp.

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