Daylight saving time is over and fall has definitely settled in here in the Pacific Northwest. The days and nights are cooler, the rain has returned and so, too, has the beautiful blush of autumn oranges, yellows and reds. That fall foliage is also on display at one of the Rose City‘s most tranquil settings : the Portland Japanese Garden .
But you better hurry if you want to check out the garden dressed in autumn shades as the colors won’t last much longer. Check out images from a visit to the Japanese Garden on Thursday, Nov. 7 in the gallery above.
MORE Address: 611 SW Kingston Ave, Portland, OR 97205 Website: Winter hours: Wednesday-Monday (closed Tuesdays), opening at 10 a.m.
, last entry 3:30 p.m. — Sean Meagher | @seanspix on Instagram.