
The Rev. Johnathan S. Hill, pastor of Evergreen Baptist Church in Ethel, delivers a message at First Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church in Baton Rouge.

Rev. Jonathan Hill A third-generation preacher, the Rev. Johnathan Hill learned from his father the importance of expressing gratitude to God.

"I'm always amazed at the things that we acquire in this life and the way in which we express our gratitude for those things," said Hill, the 38-year-old pastor of Evergreen Baptist Church in Ethel. "We buy new cars, get new houses and we invite people over so that they can appreciate and see what the Lord has done. .

.. We give thanks for those things.

How many of us ever take a moment to tell God, 'Thank you for your grace?'" Hill delivered an inspiring message titled "Thank God for His Grace" during a Men's and Women's Day program on Sunday at First Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church in Baton Rouge. His sermon was based on Apostle Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 15:10: "But by the grace of God I am what I am." We are all the recipients of God's grace or "unmerited favor," said Hill, who can certainly attest.

He graduated from Capitol High School, Southern University and Luther Rice College & Seminary in Georgia. He is a doctoral candidate in organizational leadership at Regent University in Virginia. He also works with a multidiscipline consulting firm and is active in various community organizations.

"If it were not for God's grace, we wouldn't have what we have, do what we, be where we are today," he said. Hill said that's what Paul wanted to share with the church at Corinth. "(Paul) begins to go really on his own testimony, telling them, 'Had it not been for the grace of God, I would not be writing this letter to you.

I would not be who I am, where I am today." Hill highlighted three reasons why Paul gives thanks for God's grace. First, God's grace was personal to Paul.

"A major part of Paul's testimony was that God had chosen him before he ever knew it," Hill said "That's not just Paul. That's my testimony as well. .

.. Before you can share Jesus with anybody else, you have to know him for yourself.

You got to acknowledge him as your own personal savior." Secondly, Hill said believers should find themselves productive due to God's grace. Hill said Paul felt he owed God to be as productive as possible.

"He had this level of commitment to do all that God had called him to do," Hill said. "When you think about the fact that God chose him despite his past, Paul says, 'I'm going to be productive.'" Finally, God's grace was present with Paul.

"Paul realized that God's grace was walking with him every step of the journey, and the only way Paul was able to do what he was able to do was that God was with him," Hill said. "We ought to thank God every chance we get that God's grace is present with us.".

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