
Sunday, September 15, 2024 Minister of Communications, Fahmi Fadzil, has urged the residents of Kampung Mondikot to capitalize on the newly provided high-speed internet to promote the village as a unique tourist destination, highlighting the potential to boost the local economy. Located in the picturesque region of Papar, Kampung Mondikot is recognized for its tranquil environment and scenic beauty, making it an attractive spot for both domestic and international tourists. With the recent improvements in road infrastructure and internet connectivity, the village is set to position itself as a key player in Sabah’s growing tourism sector.

During his visit to the Starlink proof-of-concept (POC) project in Kampung Mondikot, Fahmi emphasized the importance of utilizing the free internet services provided through the satellite technology to enhance tourism promotion efforts. “This will help stimulate the local economy,” he noted, encouraging local stakeholders to collaborate with Sabah’s Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Environment, Datuk Christina Liew, to create comprehensive tourism campaigns that could attract visitors to the region. He also stressed the potential role of social media influencers in creating awareness and drawing attention to the village’s natural beauty and culture.

Harnessing the Power of Starlink for Economic Growth The Starlink satellite internet unit installed in Kampung Mondikot, a project spearheaded by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in collaboration with REDtone, provides villagers with internet speeds of up to 250Mbps, covering an area of 150 meters. This service, available at all times, is seen as a major breakthrough for the local community, many of whom previously lacked reliable internet access. Fahmi highlighted how this project represents a significant leap forward for rural connectivity in Malaysia, enabling remote communities to access global opportunities.

“With the implementation of the Starlink POC, we’ve already seen notable progress in terms of internet access,” said Fahmi, adding that more innovations could be explored to fully leverage digital technology for the community’s benefit. The POC in Kampung Mondikot is unique, featuring three access points to ensure broader reach and usability within the village. As part of the larger effort to improve digital infrastructure in rural areas, the Kampung Mondikot initiative is one of ten Starlink satellite units installed across Sabah.

These units are expected to revolutionize internet access for underserved regions, enhancing communication, education, and economic opportunities. Fahmi expressed optimism about the future, stating, “The goal is to ensure that more communities across Sabah and Malaysia can benefit from improved connectivity, which is essential for development in the modern era.” Tourism and Local Development Tourism has long been an integral part of Sabah’s economy, and Kampung Mondikot’s potential as a tourism hub is clear.

Fahmi encouraged local authorities, including Limbahau assemblyman Datuk Juil Nuatim, to work closely with tourism agencies to craft a strategy that showcases the village’s rich culture and natural attractions. By fostering relationships with travel companies and promoting the village through digital channels, the community can significantly increase tourism footfall, which will, in turn, create more business opportunities for local entrepreneurs and service providers. Fahmi also mentioned that digital platforms can play a transformative role in promoting the village’s appeal.

He proposed engaging social media influencers who specialize in travel content to document and share their experiences in Kampung Mondikot. “Influencers can bring visibility to places that many may not have considered visiting, and social media has a powerful way of driving interest in off-the-beaten-path destinations like this one,” he said. The use of technology in tourism marketing is seen as a crucial step toward helping Kampung Mondikot develop into a must-visit location in Sabah.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Connectivity in Sabah The rollout of Starlink satellite internet across Sabah is part of the Malaysian government’s larger initiative to enhance digital infrastructure nationwide, especially in rural and underserved areas. According to Fahmi, the government’s goal is to bridge the digital divide, ensuring that all Malaysians, regardless of location, have access to reliable internet services. This is particularly important in Sabah, where many rural communities have previously been cut off from the benefits of modern technology.

“The installation of these satellite units is just the beginning,” Fahmi explained. “We are looking to expand this initiative and continue improving connectivity in other remote areas, helping them integrate into the broader digital economy.” He added that as more villages gain internet access, there would be a ripple effect, with increased opportunities for education, business, and social interaction.

For Kampung Mondikot, this development marks a turning point, opening up new possibilities for growth and integration into the global market. With better connectivity, the village can become a key destination for eco-tourism, cultural tourism, and community-based tourism, contributing to both local development and the broader goals of Sabah’s tourism industry. As the first step toward digital transformation, the Starlink project in Kampung Mondikot offers a glimpse into the future of connected communities in Malaysia, where internet access serves as the foundation for economic growth, educational advancement, and cultural exchange.


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