
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 Saruni Basecamp is a newly introduced luxury safari brand in Kenya, born from Basecamp Explorer’s acquisition of Saruni. This merger brings together 12 properties under a shared commitment to conservation and community-focused values. Announcing the Launch of Saruni Basecamp: A New Luxury Safari Brand in Kenya Boston, MA – A new chapter in luxury safari experiences begins with the introduction of Saruni Basecamp, a brand born from the strategic acquisition of Saruni by Basecamp Explorer.

This merger unites two well-established safari companies, each renowned for their dedication to conservation and community empowerment. Basecamp Explorer, known for its long-standing presence in the Masai Mara, has now expanded its reach by acquiring Saruni, a luxury safari operator with properties in both the Masai Mara and Northern Kenya, specifically in Samburu. The creation of Saruni Basecamp represents a shared vision of promoting sustainable tourism through a community conservancy model in East Africa.

A Portfolio of Conservation-Focused Safari Lodges Saruni Basecamp now boasts a portfolio of 12 properties, each one a beacon of pioneering and ethical safari tourism. These lodges and camps are deeply rooted in community-based conservation efforts, offering guests an opportunity to experience Kenya’s unparalleled wildlife while contributing to the preservation of its natural and cultural heritage. The properties within this collection are strategically located in some of Kenya’s most iconic wildlife regions, providing a gateway to the country’s best game viewing opportunities.

Exclusive Safari Experiences Guests at Saruni Basecamp can expect exclusive and immersive safari experiences, including opportunities to witness the Big Five in their natural habitat. The brand’s commitment to offering unique safari adventures is evident in its range of activities, which include night drives, off-road excursions, and family-friendly safaris. These experiences are designed not only to thrill but also to educate and inspire a deeper connection with nature.

Do-Good Tourism Initiatives Saruni Basecamp goes beyond traditional luxury by incorporating “do-good” experiences into its offerings. Guests are invited to participate in meaningful activities such as tree-planting initiatives, which contribute to reforestation efforts in the region. Additionally, visitors can engage with local communities through programs like the fair-trade women’s jewelry collaborative, which supports the economic empowerment of Maasai women.

Another highlight is the opportunity to visit a wildlife and Maasai education center, where guests can learn about the rich cultural heritage and conservation efforts in the region. A Presidential Connection One of the flagship properties in the Saruni Basecamp portfolio, Basecamp Masai Mara, holds a special place in history, having hosted President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. In honor of their visit, a collection of native Kenyan trees has been planted outside the camp, each one dedicated to the Obamas.

This site has become a symbolic testament to the brand’s commitment to both conservation and community engagement. Unparalleled Rhino Tracking in Samburu Further north, in the rugged landscapes of Samburu, guests can experience the thrill of tracking rhinos on foot at Saruni Rhino, located within the Sera Conservancy. This conservancy is a remarkable success story in rhino conservation, now home to 25 rhinos, including both Eastern White and Black rhinos.

The hands-on experience of tracking these majestic animals is not only exhilarating but also provides insight into the critical conservation efforts that are helping to protect this endangered species. Sustainable Tourism Practices Saruni Basecamp’s approach to tourism is grounded in sustainability, with a strong emphasis on minimizing the environmental impact of its operations. The lodges and camps within the portfolio are designed to blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings, utilizing eco-friendly practices in everything from construction to daily operations.

Solar power, water conservation, and waste management are just a few of the measures in place to ensure that tourism contributes positively to the environment. Community Empowerment and Cultural Preservation At the heart of Saruni Basecamp’s philosophy is a commitment to community empowerment and cultural preservation. The brand works closely with local communities to ensure that tourism benefits not only the environment but also the people who call these regions home.

By creating job opportunities, supporting local businesses, and promoting cultural exchange, Saruni Basecamp helps to preserve the rich cultural traditions of the Maasai and Samburu people. Educational and Enriching Experiences Guests at Saruni Basecamp are encouraged to engage in educational experiences that enrich their understanding of both the wildlife and the communities they encounter. From guided nature walks to cultural tours led by local guides, these experiences offer a deeper appreciation of Kenya’s natural and cultural treasures.

The brand’s emphasis on education ensures that guests leave with a greater awareness of the importance of conservation and community support. A Commitment to Excellence Saruni Basecamp is committed to providing an unparalleled level of service and luxury, ensuring that every guest enjoys a memorable and meaningful safari experience. The brand’s lodges and camps are staffed by highly trained professionals who are dedicated to delivering personalized service in a warm and welcoming environment.

Whether it’s a private dinner under the stars or a bespoke safari itinerary, every detail is carefully considered to create a truly exceptional experience. Looking to the Future As Saruni Basecamp continues to grow and evolve, the brand remains steadfast in its commitment to conservation, community empowerment, and sustainable tourism. The merger of Saruni and Basecamp Explorer is just the beginning of a new era in luxury safari experiences, one that prioritizes the well-being of both the environment and the people who depend on it.

With a clear vision for the future, Saruni Basecamp is poised to become a leader in ethical and responsible tourism in East Africa. A New Standard in Luxury Safari Saruni Basecamp sets a new standard in luxury safari tourism by combining world-class accommodations with a deep commitment to conservation and community. This innovative approach to safari tourism not only enhances the guest experience but also ensures that the natural and cultural heritage of Kenya is preserved for future generations.

By choosing Saruni Basecamp, guests are not just embarking on a safari adventure—they are becoming part of a larger mission to protect and preserve one of the world’s most extraordinary landscapes. Join the Saruni Basecamp Experience Saruni Basecamp invites you to discover the magic of Kenya through its unique blend of luxury, conservation, and community. Whether you’re tracking rhinos in Samburu, planting trees in the Masai Mara, or simply enjoying the breathtaking beauty of the African wilderness, your journey with Saruni Basecamp will be one of discovery, adventure, and meaningful connection.

Saruni Basecamp is proud to have a fully local Kenyan management team at its corporate headquarters, with an impressive 90% of camp staff hired from nearby rural tribal communities. This commitment to hiring locally ensures that guests are offered an authentic experience, guided by those who truly understand the land and culture. Visitors are immersed in the rich traditions of the Maasai and Samburu people, participating in cultural activities and excursions that provide a deep connection to the local heritage.

Emphasizing education, Saruni Basecamp strives to offer guests more than just a luxury stay—it aims to provide a meaningful, immersive experience that blends cultural and ecological understanding. Through engaging interactions and hands-on activities, guests gain insights into the vibrant traditions and conservation efforts that define the region, taking home memories and knowledge that extend far beyond the safari..

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