
The popular television show ' Udariyaan ,' produced by Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta , is making a much-anticipated comeback. This news has delighted fans, especially those who adored the enchanting chemistry between lead actors Ankit Gupta and Priyanka Chahar Choudhary. Ankit Gupta, who played the role of Fateh, and Priyanka Chahar Choudhary , who portrayed Tejo , became household names and won hearts with their portrayal of the beloved characters.

Together, they formed the iconic duo #Fatejo, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. Reacting to the re-run of 'Udariyaan,' Ankit Gupta expressed his heartfelt emotions. He said, "Udariyaan has always held a very special place in my heart and always will.

From working together with the cast and crew to becoming one big, beautiful family, the memories I've made on the set are priceless. I'll forever cherish the unconditional support, guidance, and love from Ravi, Sargun, and Bharti. Working with them on a show that became iconic has given us a beautiful family of countless people for whom Udariyaan is not just a show—it's an emotion.

I'm deeply grateful to Colors for bringing the show back and reviving those cherished moments. I'm thrilled that the beautiful #fatejo moments will be relieved once again!" The re-run of 'Udariyaan' promises to bring back the magic that captivated audiences, reminding them of the unforgettable journey of Fateh and Tejo. Fans have eagerly awaited the chance to revisit the story that brought them joy, heartbreak, and everything in between.

With the show's return, viewers can once again immerse themselves in the world of 'Udariyaan' and experience the timeless charm of #Fatejo. As 'Udariyaan' returns to television screens, it is poised to rekindle the emotions and memories of its loyal audience, reaffirming its place as an iconic show in Indian television history ..

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