
Cold season is back, which means whether it's you, your friends, or your family, someone is likely to come home feeling stuffy and achy. One of the reasons for this seasonal spike in illness, according to Johns Hopkins , is because colder temperatures lead people to spend extended time indoors with others. Colds are highly contagious, so this exposure — in combination with the dry winter air — leaves us more vulnerable to infection.

Knowing this, it's worth asking: exactly how long is the cold contagious? "The common cold spreads quickly and easily," says Janice Johnston, MD. "Symptoms of the common cold appear between one and three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus." Although symptoms of a cold vary from person to person, Johnston says they generally include a runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, body aches, mild headaches, and sneezing.

Unfortunately, most of us will catch a cold at one point or another. The CDC estimates that most adults will have two or three colds a year, which may explain the dreaded summer cold . One of the best ways to minimize the impact of cold season is to understand how colds spread and how long a cold is contagious for.

Here's what to know, including expert-approved tips to protect yourself and others this cold season. Janice Johnston , MD, is the chief medical officer and co-founder of Redirect Health. How Do You Catch a Cold? The common cold is an upper respiratory infection that can be caused by over 200 di.

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