
The grand finale of "Beauty Contest Week" unfolded at the Myrtle Bank Hotel, where seventeen-year-old Judy Verity was crowned Miss Jamaica 1954 before a cheering crowd. The evening followed a week of festivities, including a float parade, tea parties, rum punch gatherings at the Flamingo, and a bathing suit parade. Published Monday, October, 25, 1954 Judy Verity crowned ‘Miss Jamaica 1954’ SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD JUDY VERITY was crowned “Miss Jamaica 1954” at the Myrtle bank Hotel to the cheers of a huge crowd.

This was the grand climax of “Beauty Contest Week” in which there was a float parade, tea parties at the Woean’s Club, and the Royal rum punch parties at Hotel Flamingo, a bathing suit parad,e also at the Flamingo, a dance at the Glass Bucket Club, and dinner at the Manor House Hotel. Announcement of the winner was made at midnight by Mr. Bill Mc-Lurg, chairman of the judges, after the 16 contestants had paraded on a magnificent gold, white, and blue dais on the lawns of the Myrtle Bank Hotel.

‘Tears of joy’ Runners-up were Caroline Sowley and Dorothy DeLisser, who were also favourites with the public. Judy Verity burst into tears of joy at the announcement but soon recovered her poise. Wearing an evening gown of white lace and nylon tulle, she presented a regal appearance.

An Issa creation, it was fashioned with a strapless bodice of lace, which fitted tightly down to the hips, where it merged into a wide circular skirt sweeping the gown. A tulle stole to.

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