
We all have a night out with our friends now and then. It's a great way to get together, share memories and have a bit of a giggle. But sorting out the bill is always the less fun part of the occasion.

Now, thanks to William Hanson, you don't have to worry about whose responsibility it is to pay. The etiquette expert, whose quick etiquette tips prove popular each week on his Instagram and TikTok accounts, where he reaches up to five million people regularly. In one of his latest videos he explained who should really cover the bill when you're on a night out with your pals.

At least, if you want to be polite. Speaking in the TikTok clip, he said there's something you really need to consider when you're dining out, and it's all to do with how much you eat. William said: "The simple answer is everyone needs to have the same number of courses, and then you divide the bill by the number of people present.

"If there is one friend who maybe has had a more expensive dish, when they order it, they should announce to the group that they are happy to pay a little bit extra at the end. Fair's fair." Since the video was shared, it's been liked over 39,000 times, and people have had plenty to say about the advice.

When it comes to money , it seems Brits have strong opinions as to what they should be spending. One person said: "Or, hear my out, I know this is a crazy concept, you pay for what you ordered." Another wrote: "Or just ask for seperate cheques.

" A third replied: "Just pay for what you ordered. It's very simple (except in the states for some reason.)" Meanwhile, a fourth also commented: "I've lost every time I've done this.

I pay mine and that's it." If you haven't heard of William before, he's considered to be one of Britain’s most trusted modern authorities on etiquette. During his "day job", he works as the director of The English Manner, a leading UK etiquette training institute, where he gives people advice on correct form and good manners.

He often appears on television, radio and also hosts a podcast called Help I Sexted My Boss. In 2021, he also launched Keeping Up Appearances: The Luxury Podcast, which aired its fifth series in June..

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