
If you’ve decided to throw your first Christmas lunch , then you might be a little bit stressed right now. You’ve already invited all your friends and family and now you need to live up to expectations of what a successful Christmas lunch needs to be. From the food to the decor, everything has to be perfect.

Well as close to perfection as it can get for a first-timer. Here are some essential tips to help you throw a successful and stress-free Christmas lunch. By now you should have an idea of what you will be serving on the day.

If however, you haven’t gotten around to that yet you can decide if you want to stick to a traditional Christmas meal or opt for a more modern twist. Being your first time, it’s probably easier to stick to what you know best. If you’ve never made a glazed gammon before, now is not the best time to do so.

However, if you want to try something new, consider making it at least once before the big day. Stick to one main dish. By doing so you can focus on perfecting it.

Don’t forget about the side dishes though. Even then, you can keep it simple. Last but not least, there’s the dessert.

A simple trifle or fridge tart is easy to make and always crowd-pleasers. To make things easier for yourself, don’t feel like you have to do everything on your own. Ask family or friends to bring a dish or help with setup.

For example, someone could bring a dessert or a side dish to lighten your load. The more you can prepare in advance, the less stressful t.

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