Kolkata, Jan 4 (PTI) Actor Rukmini Maitra, who is essaying the title role in the upcoming Bengali release 'Binodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan' the biopic of 'Nati Binodini', the legendary actress of late 19th and early 20th century, says retracing her journey on the big screen was a dream come true for her. 'Binodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan' is a woman-centric film bringing to the fore the tears, pains, sufferings and moments of adulation which came in the life of Binodini Dasi "the fallen woman" who was catapulted into stage by thespian Girish Ghosh breaking all stereotypes of patriarchy in the 19th century to become the queen of Bengali stage. Also Read | 'I Didn't Say Anything About Instagram Reels': S Shankar Rebuts Anurag Kashyap's Criticism Over Reel-Like Approach to 'Game Changer'.
The theatre icon who was born in 1862 in a north Kolkata neighbourhood inhabited by sex workers began acting at the age of 12 and gave it up at 23. "Director Ram Kamal Mukherjee had first discussed the storyline of the film first in 2019 but it was held up during Covid outbreak. After Covid, things started rolling though there were initial doubts about whether a woman-centric film will have backers.
However, as the new producer stepped in and our dream project for six years is finally being unveiled for the audiences," Rukmini, whose upcoming Bollywood project Tehran is slated to be released in January 2025 said on Thursday. Also Read | Emma Mackey Birthday: Times When Fashion Critics Gave a Thumbs .