Mumbai, Jan 1 (PTI) Filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya, who has forayed into OTT platform with "Bada Naam Karenge", on Wednesday said he hopes the upcoming show will strike a chord with the audience. The show, which was officially announced last year, will release on Sony LIV in February. Also Read | Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan Welcome 2025 with a Heartfelt Message of Positivity and Blessings (View Post).
It is directed by Palash Vasvani, who helmed "Gullak", and stars Ritik Ghanshani of "Dil Dosti Dilemma", fame and Ayesha Kaduskar, known for "Agneepath" and "Candy". With a legacy rooted in heartfelt storytelling and family values, Barjatya's banner Rajshri Productions along with streaming platform Sony LIV unveiled the teaser of "Bada Naam Karenge", which is billed as a love story returning back to roots. Also Read | New Year 2025: Rohit Shetty Shares Heartwarming Photos With Son Ishaan, Says 'Guarded and Guided by Angels' (View Pics).
Barjatya said the show is filled with love and family values. "This series holds a special place in my heart. With 'Bada Naam Karenge', we delve into the beauty of relationships, the depth of love, and the strength of family values.
It's about finding balance amidst life's changing dynamics, and I couldn't be more excited to share this heartfelt story with the audience. Collaborating with Sony LIV has been a wonderful experience, and I hope viewers will resonate with the love and dedication we've put into this series," the filmmaker, known for movie.