With energy prices remaining a concern for many, finding a cost-effective way to dry laundry is a priority for lots of households Having a tumble dryer at home is considered quite the luxury, but with the chillier months, it can certainly hit the wallet hard. As energy prices continue to be a headache for many households, finding an economical approach to getting laundry dry has climbed up the list of necessities. Enter the innovative drying aids of today - alternatives that can chop down on drying time without leaning on your tumble dryer, which could cost you about 85p per hour to operate, so says an industry expert.
Chris Madikian from The Local Electrician, has dished out some insights on other gadgets worth giving a whirl this frosty season. Up for consideration are heated airers, drying pods, and also dehumidifiers, reports the Express . 1.
Heated airer - 8.4p per hour The guru remarked: "Heated clothes airers are an excellent alternative to tumble dryers, using significantly less energy while still speeding up the drying process. "With heated bars, they can dry clothes gently and reduce dampness in the air.
"Use a heated airer cover or blanket to trap the heat, making the drying process faster and reducing the overall running time." 2. Drying pods - 34p per hour These pods do a grand job by circulating warm air around the garments, not only drying them speedily but also slashing the need to iron thanks to fewer wrinkles.
For peak performance, stick to smaller loads in .