
Is there anything better than hitting the sack after a long day? Especially if said “sack” consists of bedding carefully chosen for your exacting specifications? You’ve got your dream mattress, swapped silk pillowcases in for your scratchy old cotton ones and your duvet is a heavenly cloud. But how about the pillow itself? If you've done your research already you’ll know GQ’s Jack King proclaimed Emma’s original microfibre pillow to be akin to “art”; the best thing to have graced the earth since the invention of beds themselves. And yet you’re probably still making do with the same squashed down one you’ve had for years.

Reader: Emma’s new and improved premium microfibre pillow is your sign to finally make a change. Emma It's safe to say everyone round these parts who tried Emma’s microfibre pillow has been a big fan of the original: indeed, the Emma microfibre is one of the comfiest pillows I’d ever slept on. So how do you top that? Well, you whack the word “premium” in front and make it mean something.

I slept on the Premium Microfibre Pillow for a month and can attest to its upgraded glorious softness, now with instant cooling technology. Lay your head down on this and you won't want to pick it back up again. You won’t need to either, considering the “cold side of the pillow” is now a scientific feature courtesy of Cooling Outlast tech as opposed to a hot (literally) commodity.

Your head will sink in, the pillow will cradle you with preternatural coolness, and sleep will come to greet you. Soft though it may be, your head and neck are supported perfectly so as to cure the aches you sustain from hunching over your laptop all day. Like the original, this microfibre masterpiece retains its shape.

It also features removable layers should you want a higher platform for bingeing episodes of House of the Dragon and a lower one for actually sleeping. It’s the aforementioned Cooling Outlast technology that makes this pillow worth the extra £34, though. Emma’s claim that it "gives you an instant cool feel as soon as your head hits the pillow" is absolutely true.

I found the cooling surface that welcomed me every night not only physically satisfying but also comforting: in the midst of summer, it proved a relief, and though I’m not a particularly hot sleeper, I look forward to never waking up with a sweaty scalp again. The expensive elephant in the room is that the Emma Premium costs over £100: pricey in the world of sleep but still cheaper than many others (John Lewis, for example, has an almost £200 model). Those with the ability to budget this in (in place of, say, a couple of the generous rounds you get in at one of your monthly pub trips) should.

Those annoying sleep evangelists are right: you do spend a third of your entire lifetime sleeping, after all. Though it sometimes may not feel like it, that’s even longer than the hours you spend in the pub discussing everything we’ve gotten before GTA6 . Emma Premium Microfibre Pillow with adjustable layers Emma Premium Microfibre Pillow Verdict If you like your pillow high, then keep all the layers in; if you sleep on your front or prefer a low pillow, then pull a layer or two of the Aerosoft microfibre out to adjust both the height and firmness.

Those who toss and turn like a fish out of water all night can at least rest easy knowing their pillow won’t become misshapen. And for those who love the cold side of the pillow (i.e.

all of us), never experience a “hot” side again. Lightweight, soft, breathable and hands down one of the most luxurious and comfortable down alternative pillows available, if the original Emma Microfibre Pillow was a work of art, this beauty is an outright masterpiece. £109.

From emma-sleep.co.uk.

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