
According to expert, embarking on the IVF journey is a significant step filled with hope, anticipation, and also anxiety. Going through an IVF cycle is often described as an emotional roller coaster with many ups and downs New Delhi: Infertility is a pressing issue across the globe, with most Indian couples experiencing the problem at an increasing rate. As per some reports, the number is expected to be much higher than the reported number, which is 30 million and maybe closer to 50 million.

Multiple factors work as the driving force behind the increase in infertility cases. In such situations, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) comes to the rescue, the procedure is used to help people with various forms of infertility. Dr Sneha Sathe Fertility Consultant, Nova IVF Fertility, Chembur, Mumbai shared with News9 , “Embarking on the IVF journey is a significant step filled with hope, anticipation, and anxiety.

Going through an IVF cycle is often described as an emotional roller coaster with many ups and downs.” Here are five heartfelt tips, drawn from years of collective experience to guide you as you begin your IVF journey. 1.

Understand the Process and Prepare Mentally IVF involves multiple stages, including ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization in the IVF laboratory, and embryo transfer. Each step requires careful planning and precise execution. Understanding the process thoroughly and preparing mentally and physically for each stage is crucial.

Knowledge is empowering; knowing what to expect can help reduce anxiety and make you feel more in control. Before starting, have an open discussion with your fertility specialist about the entire process. Ask questions about the ovarian stimulation protocols, the egg retrieval procedure, and what to expect during embryo transfer.

Understanding these details will help you feel more prepared and engaged in your treatment. 2. Optimise Your Health Preparing for IVF involves more than just medical procedures; it requires a holistic approach to optimize your overall health.

Prior to starting treatment, focus on achieving a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, engaging in regular physical activity, and effectively managing stress. These lifestyle adjustments can improve your body’s readiness for the demanding IVF process and enhance reproductive health. IVF is also preconception time and optimum preconceptional health is ideal for mom and baby.

3. Understand the Importance of Age and Tailored Treatment Maternal age plays a crucial role in IVF success, as the quality and quantity of eggs decline with age, influencing outcomes. However, with tailored treatment plans, many older women can still achieve successful pregnancies.

Your specialist will take into account your age, ovarian reserve, and previous IVF history to create a personalized treatment plan. This could involve specific ovarian stimulation protocols and closer monitoring to optimize egg quality and quantity. It’s important to have realistic expectations, as each individual’s response to treatment varies.

A personalized approach can significantly enhance your chances of success. 4. Stay Informed and Seek Support The IVF journey can be emotionally and physically demanding.

Staying informed about each step of the process can provide reassurance and reduce stress. Don’t hesitate to seek support from your specialist, fertility team and counsellors. Counselling can help you navigate the emotional aspects of IVF, from managing expectations to coping with any setbacks.

Connecting with others who are going through similar experiences can also provide a sense of community and understanding. 5. Research and choose your Fertility Specialist and IVF Clinic Choosing the fertility specialist and IVF clinic you go to is a critical decision that can significantly impact your journey towards parenthood.

Begin by researching and choosing a specialist who has extensive experience with IVF treatments. It’s important to find someone who is not only highly skilled but also compassionate and communicative, as this will help build a trusting relationship. Evaluate the IVF clinic’s success rates.

Consider the clinic’s technological capabilities, availability of advanced treatments like Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), and the support services they offer, such as counselling and patient education. Personal recommendations, patient reviews, and initial consultations can also provide valuable insights into the clinic’s approach and environment. Choosing the right specialist and IVF Clinic sets a solid foundation for your IVF journey, ensuring you receive the best possible care and support.

Starting your IVF journey is a profound step towards achieving your dream of parenthood. By understanding the process, optimizing your health, recognizing the importance of tailored treatment, and seeking support you can navigate this journey with confidence and hope..

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