
RESORT TOWNSHIP — Among the millage proposals and county-wide votes, Resort Township will be filling two open trustee spots on the Aug. 6 ballot. Three candidates are running to fill the two open seats in Resort Township: Nicholas Cononico, Tim Howard and Alfred Welsheimer.

The Petoskey News-Review reached out to all three candidates with the same questionnaire and the same deadline to respond. Nicholas Cononico did not respond by the deadline. A: My Name is Tim Howard and I am running for Resort Township Trustee.

I am 47 years old and was born and raised in Resort Township, where I currently reside with my wife Rhonda and our two children. After graduation from Petoskey High School I attended North Central Michigan College and later Northern Michigan University, where I received my Bachelor of Science degree. I have spent my entire professional career in the energy industry.

A: This is my first time running for a political position through an election process, however, I have held numerous roles of similar capacity. I currently sit on the Board of Directors for the Michigan Oil and Gas Association (past committee chair) and previously served as president of the Northern Michigan Antique Flywheelers after serving several years as a trustee. This past January I was appointed to the Resort Township Planning Commission for a two-year term.

A: I am running for office because I strongly believe that you should be involved in the community that you live in. Resort Township is a beautiful place to live and visit and if elected my number one priority would be to prioritize those qualities that make our area unique. A: I feel the biggest challenges facing Resort Township are those of responsible development.

Due to the natural beauty of the area and our proximity to the City of Petoskey, a lot of people (both full-time and seasonal) would like to call our township home. A balance is required to provide adequate opportunities for development while maintaining the open space/lake views and agricultural heritage that have defined Resort Township and make it such a unique place to live and visit. A: If elected my main priorities would be to represent my constituents in an honest and ethical manner while keeping the township's best interests at heart.

I believe that governing bodies, especially at the township level, should be as transparent as possible with their residents. To that regard, I would work to improve communications between the board and residents of the township. I would also prioritize improving the accessibility of documents such as meeting minutes, township news and events and other relevant items to residents of Resort Township.

A: Alfred (Al) Welsheimer, 60 years old, lifelong resident of Resort Township. Married for 35 years with two grown sons; one resides in Petoskey and the other in Owasso with our two beloved grandkids. I proudly serve as the current township fire chief, bringing 42 years of dedicated service to our community's fire department.

A: I was appointed approximately two years ago following the resignation of a trustee. As such, I have not been elected but rather appointed to serve in this role. A: Promoting responsible fiscal management while preserving the rural character of our township.

Emphasizing transparency, accountability and ecology preservation in our lakeside community. Over my 17 years of attending meetings, communication has often been a significant issue. A: Transparency.

Collaborative teamwork. Some current members of the township board believe they hold all decision-making power and disregard input from other board members. Over the last 20 years, there has been a pattern of spending without maintaining a sufficient fund balance.

It's essential to prioritize maintaining the upkeep of all the trails and parks owned by the township. The township should save for major projects to avoid the need for borrowing money. A: Promoting collaborative teamwork: Working with the planning commission to preserve the rural character of our township.

Continuing engagement with Walloon Lake residents to safeguard our lake. Prioritizing blight remediation efforts..

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