
Pune: The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board has issued closure directions to eight ready-mix-concrete (RMC) plants in the district for violating air pollution norms, possessing lack of permission and consent for operation from the board, and usage of banned equipment. The eight plants are mainly in Haveli district near Sinhagad Road, Mulshi, and Maval districts, from where there have been several complaints about air pollution from residents. These plants were found to be operating without MPCB’s nod.

The plants violated multiple norms, mainly that barricading all around the periphery of the plot boundary with a height of a minimum of 20ft or 5ft above free-fall air emission area was not done. Water sprinkling or chemical dust stabilising agent spraying systems were also not provided inside the premises of the RMCs. Adequate tree plantation was not conducted to prevent deterioration of air quality.

No wastewater system was installed, and some failed to obtain a no-objection certificate from the Central Groundwater Authority (CGWA) for extraction of groundwater. “Among complaints we receive, the highest are regarding air pollution instances from RMC plants in the city. This is an ongoing check from our end to ensure that this issue does not persist.

We had formerly passed interim directions and provided a timeline to the plants to fix things; but they failed to comply, so we had to close them down,” said Ravindra Andhale, regional officer, MPCB, Pune. The plants were issued interim directions by the board in April, after which they were directed to comply or take corrective action against violations, which they didn’t do. In one of the notices issued, the board said, “In spite of giving reasonable opportunity, you have failed to comply with the consent conditions, board’s directions, and failed to provide adequate pollution control devices, thereby causing water and air pollution.

In view of the above non-compliances, you are hereby directed to stop all manufacturing activities forthwith and not resume any activity without prior permission from the board. Failing this, the board will have no option but to initiate legal action under the provisions of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.” In March this year, MPCB served closure notices to seven RMC plants and legal notices or proposed directions to eight for the same record of violations.

Along with this, the board had issued closure notices to four stone crushing units, show cause notices to six units, and proposed directions to eight units for violating pollution norms..

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