Pune: The Election Commission of India (ECI)’s technical team is working on resolving the issues faced by electors in searching their names on the voter helpline app and portal, a senior official of the state election department told TOI. Several citizens had lodged complaints with the election department during the Lok Sabha elections regarding the difficulty faced by them in finding their names on the app and portal. All these complaints were forwarded to the ECI technical team .
“The team has collected complaints from all states going in for elections and is working on it,” a senior official of the state chief electoral office said. Members of the National Society of Clean Cities (NSCC) had written to the ECI as well as the state election office regarding the difficulties faced by voters. “The process to find names on the electoral roll should be simple, and the system should be robust.
The search app should be simplified so that voters can easily find their names and polling stations ,” said an NSCC member. During the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections, a resident of Koregaon Park could not find his name on the voter app despite having voted in all the elections. “The system should be such that names of voters should pop up after necessary details are keyed in, and families staying in one house should be assigned one polling station to avoid confusion,” said Meera Rajput, whose entire family was assigned different polling stations in the last assembly el.