“No, eating sugar does not cause diabetes.” Shocked! According to a health expert eating large amounts of sugar does not lead to diabetes, but obesity and weight gain. Dr.
Vishakha Shivdasani, a lifestyle disease specialist says if you already have this debilitating disease, sugar will only increase its intensity. “If you already have diabetes, it will just increase further. Yes, it becomes worse.
But if I am not diabetic and eat ice cream a lot despite following a good diet, exercising, and maintaining a body weight, does that mean I will become diabetic, no,” she said in a podcast interview. So, what causes diabetes, according to Dr. Shivdasani.
She says, eating “cereal in the morning for breakfast, which is not sweet, or eating too much rice and chapati, salty chips or even salty biscuits can cause diabetes,” she said. “All savoury, all salty carbohydrates convert into sugar in your body.” Dr.
Shivdasani adds. Diabetes occurs when your body is not effectively able to regulate blood sugar levels. Doctors say it happens when your pancreas stops producing enough insulin, your cells become resistant to insulin – or both.
Insulin is a hormone that moves sugar from your bloodstream and into your cells. If your body is not able to make enough or you become insulin resistant, you can develop chronically high blood sugar levels. How do salty foods increase the risk of diabetes? Studies say high salt intake can be associated with an increased risk of developing typ.