When it comes to fibre in our diets, health advice recommends we consume 30g a day but fewer than one in 10 adults meet this target, with average intakes falling short at just 20g daily . But managing to eat that extra 10g per day could make all the difference to out health. These are seven benefits that could help you lead a longer, fitter life: HEALTHY HEARTS: Good intakes of fibre are linked to a lower risk of heart disease.
When the results of 31 studies were looked at together, scientists concluded those who consumed the highest amounts of fibre reduced their chances of having a stroke and developing coronary heart disease (which occurs when the arteries narrow) by up to 24 per cent. Fibre works its heart health magic by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, and helping us maintain our weight. In particular, oats and barley stand out as they contain a type of fibre called beta glucan that’s proven to lower cholesterol .
SLASH DIABETES RISK: Enjoying a good intake of fibre-filled wholegrains – especially wholegrain breakfast cereals, oats, dark breads, brown rice and wheatgerm – seems to protect against type-2 diabetes according to research in the British Medical Journal. When the results of three large studies were looked at together, people who ate the most wholegrains were 29 per cent less likely to develop the condition than those who ate the least. How fibre offers this protection remains unclear, but it may help with long-term control of blood glucose lev.