
EastEnders recently aired a poignant episode centred on Linda Carter's (Kellie Bright) escalating battle with alcoholism. In the latest visit to Walford (December 16), viewers saw Linda faced with a choice between her family and her addiction, leading to a night of heavy drinking. The episode, now available on iPlayer, portrays a distraught Linda reaching for a bottle of vodka, signalling her unwillingness to combat her addiction, despite pleas from her devastated mother Elaine Knight (Harriet Thorpe) to seek rehab.

In a shocking scene, Linda violently pushes Elaine onto her bed, witnessed by her sons Johnny (Charlie Suff) and young Ollie (Harry Farr). Ollie confides in Johnny his fears about their mum leaving permanently like their dad Mick (Danny Dyer), indicating his awareness of Linda's problem. Johnny attempts to comfort him, assuring that Linda will return improved after rehab, before later presenting Linda with a drawing by Ollie depicting her drinking on the floor.

For the latest TV & Showbiz news, sign up to our newsletter . Shortly afterwards, Linda storms out of the Vic, clutching a bottle and Ollie's drawing, reports the Manchester Evening News . Linda quickly consumes the entire bottle of vodka before wandering off into the night as the lights flicker.

In a departure from the usual format, the show combined scenes of Linda's death and subsequent funeral into one episode. Following a frightening encounter with a homeless man, Linda vomits violently at the war memo.

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