
A landowner who brought waste onto his farm to dispose of it and burn it has been fined. Ian Hobden has been ordered to pay nearly £1,300 by magistrates. East Sussex County Council issued a planning contravention notice (PCN) as it investigated allegations that Hobden had breached planning control at his farm.

He had brought waste onto his farm, called Giffords Farm in Battle Road, Dallington, near Heathfield, and planned to burn it. The notice required the 67-year-old to provide information which would help the county council decide if a breach had occurred and what, if any enforcement action should be taken. Despite repeated reminders, Hobden did not respond.

READ MORE: Two Sussex companies fined for dumping 700 lorry loads of illegal waste At Hastings Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, July 18, Hobden pleaded guilty to failing to respond to the PCN. He was ordered to pay a total of £1,291.50 which included a £700 fine, £311.

50 costs and a victim surcharge of £280. An East Sussex County Council spokeswoman said: “Unauthorised disposal of waste can have a detrimental impact on the environment and a negative effect on communities. "We will always work with landowners to properly investigate any alleged breaches and taking legal action is the last resort.

We hope this case sends a clear message to anyone suspected of breaching planning controls that we take our duty extremely seriously and will do everything we can to get to the bottom of all allegations.” Hobden must now respond to East Sussex County Council’s Planning Contravention Notice or face further prosecution..

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