
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) holds that the liver governs the flow of qi (energy) throughout the body. When qi flows smoothly, both the body and mind remain healthy. However, when faced with challenges, emotions can become strained, leading to a condition TCM refers to as “liver qi stagnation.

” This, in turn, can result in symptoms such as depression and insomnia. The liver meridian begins at the upper part of the big toe, travels up the foot, runs along the inner side of the lower leg and thigh to the groin area, then circles around the genital region, enters the lower abdomen, ascends alongside the stomach, passes through the nasopharynx, and reaches the top of the head. Hip-opening stretches, leg stretches, and side waist stretches all effectively stimulate the liver meridian.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend one knee to lift that leg, hugging it with both hands close to your body. Hold for a few seconds before lowering it.

Then switch to the other leg and repeat the exercise. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend one knee and place that foot on the back of a chair, keeping your thigh and calf parallel to the ground.

Maintain a straight back and lean forward, aiming to touch your chin to your foot. Then switch to the other leg and repeat the exercise. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Place one foot on the back of a chair with your toes pointed back, stretching the muscles behind your knee. Keep your back straight and lean forward, aiming to bring your belly toward your thigh. Then switch to the other leg and repeat the exercise.

Perform a side lunge with your weight on your left leg. Bend your left knee while keeping your right leg straight, back straight, and upper body leaning forward. Place your hands on the ground and press your hips down.

In a squat position, gradually shift your weight to the right until your right knee is bent and your left leg is straight. Extend the bent right knee as far to the right as possible to stretch your hips. Keeping the squat position, gradually shift your weight to the left until your left knee is bent and your right leg is straight.

Extend the bent left knee as far to the left as possible to stretch your hips. Repeat steps two and three several times..

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