Many benefit claimants will see their payment rates increase next year, after the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) confirmed how much benefits will rise by in 2025. Below is a list of the main benefits that are due to increase in April. Most of these are by around 1.
7 per cent, with those for people of pension age going up by the triple lock figure of 4.4 per cent. The benefit cap has been frozen for 2025/26.
This may affect the total amount of benefit you can get. Housing Benefits have also been frozen again. Many benefits are not claimed each year.
Use a benefits calculator to find out what other benefits you might be entitled to, for example, Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if you have a long-term health condition or disability. Universal Credit Single under 25: £311.68 a month to £316.
98 a month Single 25 or over: £393.45 a month to £400.14 a month Joint claimants both under 25: £489.
23 a month to £497.55 a month Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over: £617.60 a month to £628.
10 a month Some people are entitled to additional payments on top of their standard allowance - for example, you may receive more money if you have children or a long-term illness. Child element First child born before April 6, 2017: £333.33 a month to £339 a month First child born on or after April 6, 2017 or second child and subsequent child: £287.
92 a month to £292.81 a month Disabled child element lower rate: £156.11 a month to £158.
76 a month Disabled child higher rate: .