
A Dundee engineer is on the sex offenders register after he began pleasuring himself while getting a massage at a city beauty salon. Shadman Khan was found guilty of causing a person to be present while he engaged in sexual activity. The 29-year-old stood trial at last week accused of performing a sex act while receiving a full body aromatherapy massage at a business in Dundee city centre.

He told the court his grunting was in pain, his hand movements were adjusting his boxer shorts and the wet spots left on the massage table were either sweat or urine. Khan, of Menzieshill Road, will be sentenced next month after reports have been prepared. The court heard from a beauty therapist with 20 years experience who had agreed to provide Khan with an hour-long full-body aromatherapy massage for around £65.

She said: “He walked in and he said that he wanted a massage. “Because the client I was supposed to have cancelled, I was free. “After he agreed on the treatment and the price, I took him through to the treatment room.

“I explained what he must do – remove his clothing, leave his underpants on and cover himself up with a towel.” The woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, said Khan asked her if she liked his body or thought he was fat. She said: “I tried to keep it professional.

“When I held the towel up so he could move to his tummy, that’s when things started to get weird.” The woman added: “I started the legs. “I can see his hand kind of slip underneath his body.

.. towards his genitals.

“He started lifting his bottom up in the air and back down and up in the air, rocking movements and hand movements. “He wasn’t saying anything, just making noises like he was aroused. “I told him ‘calm down, it’s a professional massage’.

“He was starting to make me feel uncomfortable. “Once I’d finished with the legs, I had moved on to massage his back where he went to move his head to the side so that I was in his line of sight. “I told him to put his head down into the hole (on the table) but he kept turning it so he was looking at me.

“He kept looking for me and I kept moving to the other side of the bed. “He was still just making noises and rocking movements. “It looked like he was masturbating.

He was lying on his stomach, his bum was in the air. “I felt uneasy, embarrassed for him, embarrassed for myself, angry, violated..

. it wasn’t nice at all. “I put my hands on his back to push him down.

” The trial was told Khan’s behaviour continued for around 20 minutes. The woman said she left him to get dressed and got the salon director to complete payment. She said: “I just couldn’t face him again.

” Khan was told to leave and not come back. Afterwards, the woman and her boss returned to the treatment room. “We could see that the bed and the towels were all wet,” she said.

The salon director told the court Khan had entered the day before and asked for a massage but he turned the prospective customer away because he had “a bad feeling”. Married father-of-one Khan is a graduate engineer with Amey, which works on trunk road transport infrastructure but said at the time he was working seven days a week in his family’s restaurant and in pain. He said: “I did not masturbate in the presence of the witness.

“I wanted a body massage for pain relief. “I just wanted an opinion on how my body shape was. “I was lying in the same position.

It’s quite difficult for a male to stay on a bed which is not comfortable at all. “My boxers were getting attached to my penis area. I had to adjust or scratch there.

“I was sweating. It was, like, on and off. “I told her I’m having pain.

“I was moving about, I’m not going to lie. I think she got a misunderstanding.” In relation to the wetness on the table and paper towels, Khan said: “I was sweating – it could be from that or urine.

” Khan’s solicitor advocate Johnathan Crowe said his client made no request or suggestion he was there to seek sexual services. Prosecutor Michael Robertson said Khan’s evidence was “self-serving”. Sheriff Alastair Carmichael convicted Khan and placed him on the sex offenders register.

The first offender will be sentenced on September 20..

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