
OK. If a guy used that term, a “dumb as a rock bimbo”, to describe an accomplished, smart, professional woman you know, - OR ANY WOMAN AT ALL - what would be your reaction? First, that the guy is pretty dumb himself. He uses ignorant gutter language to just hurl a meaningless insult, rather than expressing why something the woman said upset him, and offering an intelligent and pointed rebuttal.

Second, that the guy is obviously emotionally unstable, if something someone says upsets him to that degree. Especially if she was not speaking to him, and he has never even met her. Third, that the guy is sexist and misogynist, if he uses the lowest gutter term possible to describe her as someone he could "have" — that ANY man — could have, dominate, and use as a sex toy.

And fourth, if he thinks that about a woman he does not even know, then, he must think that about ALL women. He must see all women as inferior beings. Sub-humans who are his for the taking.

Why, he could just start kissing them without even asking. He could even grab their..



yeah. We are talking about THAT guy. So, late last night (Friday) Bill Maher had Stephanie Ruhle on his show.

She is the host of "The 11th Hour", a nightly show on MSNBC. Trump did not like what she had to say, so, of course, he does what he always does in the middle of the night. He took to Truth Social.

(DJT stock is down to $13.55 from a high of $79.38, which could be called “failing” BTW.

) After calling Maher a "befuddled mess, sloppy and tired" (wow - talk about projection!) he went on to call Ruhle a "dumb as a rock bimbo". Then, after ranting about them and another guest in similar terms, making no salient points of his own at all, he went on to rant about the "failing" New York Times. Why? For daring to expose his daily idiocies, you know, like staying up half the night ranting, trying to assuage his insecurities and anxieties by hurling ignorant insults at his perceived "enemies".

Projecting once again, he called the NYT "absolutely crazy" and said its writers have "gone insane". When he finally ran out of insults, he figured he had better go do what he always does, and offer his very own revised version of reality - in other words - LIE. Thus began the main event - IN ALL CAPS, of course.

After several all-caps paragraphs describing American women as losers, financially "poor" and failing miserably, he offered himself as their one and only hero, white knight, and savior. "I WILL PROTECT WOMEN AT A LEVEL NEVER SEEN BEFORE" he said. “THEY WILL FINALLY BE HEALTHY, HOPEFUL, SAFE, AND SECURE.

THEIR LIVES WILL BE HAPPY, BEAUTIFUL, AND GREAT AGAIN!” SURE you will, Sport. Just like you protected E. Jean Carroll.

You did not promise in your rant to veto a national abortion ban. You did not even offer to stop states from doing so. Or from criminalizing routine care like D&Cs.

You did not offer to stop states from investigating miscarriages as murder, or surveilling women's pregnancies, or criminalizing travel across state borders for abortion. Or criminalizing people who HELP pregnant women do so. Or who even give them abortion information.

You keep saying you will guarantee abortion access for "rape, incest, and life of the mother", but in the next breath, you say states will CONTINUE have the right to withhold it, with your blessing and your presidential power. WOMEN ARE DYING. Doctors are waiting too long to act, knowing that if a review makes a finding against them, they could lose their licenses and go to jail.

Hospitals are tying the hands of doctors to make a decision at all because of their own fears of lawsuits and insurance denials. And legitimate fears that administrators could go to jail, too. As a result, because they are powerless to offer even routine healthcare to women, doctors and hospitals are closing up shop and moving, leaving pregnant women in parts of those states without healthcare at all.

NBC News just reported that pregnant women's mortality rates in those states have skyrocketed. You did not offer to do ANYTHING about this. You also said nothing about offering to protect women's access to birth control.

This affects women's ability to work and to make life choices — to have the same opportunities that men have — to even have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. You did not promise to keep strong safety net programs in place, so that women who become single mothers, or who leave abusive or unworkable marriages, can provide basic food and shelter for themselves and their children. To protect living children’s RIGHT TO LIFE.

Nope. You just ranted, once again, that we should TRUST YOU. That WOMEN should TRUST YOU.

Oh. Like MELANIA can TRUST YOU? If you cannot be trustworthy for your nearest and dearest, Sport, you can not be trustworthy for ANYBODY. Three wives have found that out.

Even Ivanka seems to have lost faith in you. Countless women have appeared and disappeared, LITERALLY from your side, in official and unofficial capacities, at a dizzying rate. We apparently are ALL "dumb as a rock bimbos" to you.

You have shown that over and over. Projecting, again. Projecting exactly what kind of person YOU are.

So keep staying up all night, Sport, deep in your insecurities and anxieties, and project away. Use all the gutter language you like. Show us all just how low you've become.

But do not expect a single one of us to believe you, or to see you as a hero, a white knight, or a savior. Only YOU see yourself that way, in your "befuddled, sloppy, and tired" mind. Thanks.

We'll stick to the woman who actually WILL lead us in reclaiming our rights. We will do it ourselves, as we did it before. We will do it ourselves, again.


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