
Who doesn’t crave fame? Celebrity lifestyle seems quite appealing to the eye. People assume with fame comes everything one can ever dream of: wealth, being known and seen, being surrounded by paparazzi, giving autographs, and clicking selfies with fans. Well, that might be true but being famous also comes at the expense of losing privacy, constant judgment, and scrutiny.

A lesson that ‘Dubai Bling’ star Safa Siddiqui has experienced quite personally. Before joining the Netflix reality series, Safa was only a wealthy Dubai elite but now she has a fandom of her own. In an interview with Cosmopolitan Middle East, Safa deeply reflected on the things that have changed in her life since becoming famous.

“Now, I’m vulnerable to the world. There are always eyes on me,” she said. Despite public scrutiny, Safa doesn’t want to lose her unfiltered persona and authenticity.

If you’ve watched the show, her witty one-liners and feisty personality are a testimony to it. “I want to keep it real. If you want to chase material things, go for it.

I hate the shaming. It really annoys me when people come for me about surgery or Botox. Like, are we still shaming women for that? Why are we still doing this,” she asked.

A post shared by Cosmopolitan Middle East (@cosmomiddleeast) The reality star doesn’t take her fame for granted, she knows that many young girls look up to her and all Safa wants to do is be a self-dependent woman, a thing that her mother taught her. “Having so.

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