
Drownings in winter months have almost doubled in the last ten years with life savers warning the public to be vigilant. / (min cost $ 0 ) or signup to continue reading The National Drowning Report 2024 released on August 20 found there were 323 drowning deaths over the past 12 months, 16 per cent higher than the ten-year average (278). Forty-six per cent (150) occurred in coastal locations including 26 per cent (84) at beaches.

Somewhat alarming is the fact that 21 people drowned during May - August, compared with the 10 year-average of 10 drownings per year. said they were particularly concerned about the rise in drownings outside the patrol season and in colder months. CEO Steve Pearce said they were seeing "increasing participation" in coastal and ocean activities during off-season.

These activities include swimming, paddling, rock fishing and boating. "While it's fantastic to see people enjoying our beautiful coastline year-round, it puts our resources under pressure to respond to incidents and emergencies at any time," he said. Mr Pearce acknowledged there needed to be a strategy beyond 'swim between the flags' to prevent drownings during winter months.

Males accounted for 82 per cent of all drowning deaths. While people who live in regional and rural areas drowned at higher rates than major cities. Carla Mascarenhas is the NSW correspondent covering breaking news, state politics and investigations.

She is based in Sydney. Contact her on carla.mascarenhas@austcommunitymedia.

com.au Carla Mascarenhas is the NSW correspondent covering breaking news, state politics and investigations. She is based in Sydney.

Contact her on [email protected].

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