
As we conclude this journey through the history of the Del Puerto Health Care District, I would like to focus on a vision for the future of healthcare in the Patterson area. There are projects that are well underway, but not yet fully realized. There are concepts that are currently under development.

There are dreams that are being articulated into specific goals. Our CEO, Karin Freese, our current Board of Directors, and the management staff of the district are eagerly and aggressively moving forward to ensure that the emerging healthcare needs of the district are thoroughly identified, understood, and fulfilled. While there are many more proposals underway than can be discussed in this brief article, here are a few exciting developments that the residents of Patterson can look for in the relatively near future.

New Ambulance Center As Patterson has grown in recent years, it has become necessary for Patterson District Ambulance to staff multiple 24-hour crews to meet all emergency needs and transportation adequately. The current ambulance center is bursting at the seams as it houses the round-the-clock teams that are on duty to provide medical care. A new ambulance center is essential as the projected growth of Patterson calls for expanded emergency services.

The proposed center (artist rendering pictured above) has been working its way through the required process over the past few years. It is hopeful that construction can begin in the not-so-distant future. Not only will the new ambulance center accommodate the daily operations for multiple 24-hour emergency teams, but it will also provide offices for the administrative team of the DPHCD.

Another wonderful feature of this new building will be a community educational center that will be used for activities such as CPR classes. Under the able leadership of our Director of Ambulance Services, Paul Willette, the district is set to make full use of this beautiful facility for the benefit of the entire community. This building will meet the needs of Patterson District Ambulance and Patterson for years to come! Mental Health Awareness and Access It is no secret that there is a growing need for mental health services.

While the need for these services was already trending upward, the difficulties and challenges of COVID created an explosion of mental health issues. The DPHCD is actively researching many avenues for addressing this crisis. One promising possibility is the use of specialty telehealth services.

This would open the door for additional mental health appointments right at the Del Puerto Health Center by way of video interaction with mental health specialists. The opportunity to meet this need for mental healthcare without leaving Patterson would be groundbreaking for district residents. The district is also looking to apply this video technology to other specialty healthcare needs that are prevalent in Patterson and the surrounding area.

Our Del Puerto Health Center Manager, Suzie Benitez, has been leading the healthcare clinic for fourteen years. She is preparing and equipping her team to address expanded services with new technologies so that Patterson residents will not have to leave our city as often for medical treatment. Expanded Hours With Patterson being a commuter town, there are many residents that have a difficult time making appointments during normal business hours.

In recent days, the Del Puerto Health Center has been providing expanded hours on selected days. This means Patterson residents do not have to take a day off of work or drive to Modesto after a long day in order to set a doctor’s appointment. It is the hope of the district to continue expanding those available hours and days of service as quickly as possible.

Annual Health Event The board and staff are pressing forward with plans to host an annual health event in the city of Patterson. This event would provide screenings and education on a specific health problem each year such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure. Once again, the desire of the district is to provide as many medical services as possible to our residents and eliminate the cost and time spent to drive out of town.

Community Health Needs Study As new health needs emerge on the horizon, it is important for the district to identify trends as early as possible. To that end, the DPHCD will occasionally put out a health needs survey to the public. A new study will be conducted in the early part of 2025.

It is our hope that a great number of district residents will take the time to respond to this survey. As the results are analyzed by the CEO, the board, and the staff, many decisions are made regarding new services and the allocation of resources. We would urge every member of the community to spend a few moments to answer the questions in the survey.

The greater response we receive, the more accurate and emphatic we can be in addressing the healthcare needs of our community. Needs can change and challenges can arise, but the Del Puerto Health Care District is committed to carrying on its 78-year tradition of providing excellent health care to our citizens. We love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

If you have any response to this series of articles or any other health care issue, please feel free to email us at [email protected] or go to our website (www.dphealth.

org) for more contact information. It’s your district! Let’s work together to make Patterson the healthiest that it can be!.

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