
Parking restrictions in two York streets near the River Ouse have been approved to improve safety and free up spaces for residents - despite concerns over access for visitors. Double yellow lines are set to be put onto the Water End slip road while residential permit parking (ResPark) restrictions are set to be introduced in Government House Road. Government House Road resident Andrew Beattie said restrictions were needed to stop commuters, shoppers and school pupil parents parking, while a recent crash had fuelled safety concerns over Water End.

But Rachel Gilbert-Cornish, who also lives in the Clifton road, said the restrictions amounted to a ban on families, dog walkers and other visitors to the riverside parking there. The decision on Tuesday, March 11 follows a consultation launched in July on the new restrictions, with eight comments lodged in support of the restrictions and four against. The launch of the consultation came after Government House Road residents first petitioned the council calling for ResPark restrictions in September 2020.

The meeting heard restrictions would be needed in both Government House Road and Water End to stop parking from being directed from one to the other if they were approved. Water End leads down to the side of the River Ouse and the meeting heard it linked two major routes used by walkers and cyclists. Resident Mr Beattie told Tuesday’s meeting eight out of Government House Road’s nine households had supported the bid for ResPark.


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