Donald Trump’s “big talk and bullying” might be the only language Ayatollah Khamenei’s murderous regime in Iran understands, former Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams said tonight. Dr Willams said Trump’s “personality” and bullying presidential style would help put Iran on the back foot in the international arena. Dr Williams made the claim as he stepped in to help two pro-democracy campaigners who face being put to death by the regime in hours.
The 74-year-old, who now lives in Swansea, also called on Britain’s Foreign Secretary David Lammy to urgently intervene to stop the execution of 70-year-old Behrouz Ehsani and Mehdi Hassani, 48. In an exclusive interview for
uk Dr Williams said: “I don’t think Trump has got a strategy but he can definitely bring his personality to bear. “I’m worried about the lack of long-term strategy, but perhaps right now that is a luxury we can’t afford, we need to use anything that works. “I think there is an element of bullies only understanding the language of a bully - but I think talking big will only get you so far, it does not take it to the next stage .
.. that requires diplomacy.
” Dr Williams is aiding an international coalition of politicians, statesmen and women, and academics, which has been urgently convened in an attempt to save the men. He said in the UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy must bring immediate pressure to bear on the murderous regime in Iran, which is the world’s biggest s.