As much as I enjoy having a glass of vino at dinner, I'm far less enthusiastic about the hangover that often accompanies it. By my late twenties, I'd hoped that my alcohol tolerance would have improved — that the throbbing morning-after headaches would be less common, or that I could indulge in a riesling without slumping into a state of eternal grogginess the next day. Alas, since my alcohol tolerance hasn't changed, I've had to find other alternatives to satiate my daily craving for a glass of wine.
While I don't have a designated mocktail cart (yet), I do have a growing collection of nonalcoholic drinks and mixes that I like to indulge in on occasion. There are the usual suspects: alcohol-free tonics, flavored supplements, and most recently, the Apothékary Wine Down Tincture ($39), which is designed to act as a wine replacement sans any alcoholic properties. The concentrate is infused with berry-rich ingredients that give it a tart taste, while elements like L-theanine can help to calm the body.
I'm generally skeptical about any supplement that promises more relaxation, let alone one that's marketed as being flavorful enough to curb your wine intake — but this piqued my interest. Desperate for a cure to my Dry January woes , I tried Apothékary's bestselling herbal tincture nightly for one month, and the yummy wine replacement has already earned a permanent spot in my cabinet of alcohol-free infusions. What I Like About the Apothékary Wine Down Tincture On its own.